TDL Summer 2016 Week 6 Power Rankings (D2 SUN)

Rank Team Record Comments
5-0 No surprises here, as long as they’re healthy, the Sex Panthers have the depth to run the table this season. No player on the roster has made it to every game, but they’ve found a way to win anyway. (G) David Chu & (F) Chris Di are both in MVP form right now, and (G) Greg Loeffert would be a star guard of any other team in the league. 
(+2) TAP 4-1 Well what do you know, after a couple of bad seasons, TAP NY is back among the big dogs. They have (G) Will Chu and (G) John Hsu in peak form and (F) Jin Bae Kim has been just the piece they’ve needed with his great athleticism and energy on defense.
(+3) RAP
3-2 Raptors addition (F/C) Mike Adames hasn’t exactly dominated by the numbers, but his impact has been immediate for a team that needed a presence in the paint on defense and someone to finish plays. With RAP’s signature grit, consider this team a dark horse for the playoffs.
(-1) TEA 3-2 They’ve given up a couple of winnable games, always playing with what seems like a short roster, but Teal Curtain‘s performance against the rest of the Top 4 teams is worth of championship consideration. They have size and hustle up and down the roster, a prototype playoff team.
(-3) NFZ 3-2 No Fly Zone OG had been treading water with a very thin roster, and it all finally sank the past two weeks with two straight losses. If they can get everyone there, this is a contender, but until they prove they can do so consistently, middle of the pack is the best they can expect.
(-1) FOB 2-3 It’s been another mediocre season for Gritty FOB City, but they have the weapons and veteran savvy to make a run, now that they’ve secured a playoff spot. It’s just a matter of who they meet in the 1st rd at this point. Staying here at the 6th seed might be perfect.
(=) LAR 0-5 Admittedly, we thought Larry’s Kids would have gotten a win by now. They’ll have a chance this week, and when they face the also win-less GOA in the season finale.  A little bit more low-post scoring would go a long way for this team.
(=) GOA 0-5 Goat Herders still getting a ton of points from the front-court, enough that they really should be closer in games, but for whatever reason, the once champs from long ago, have not found the magic this season.