Tag: Fall 2016

TDL Fall 2016 First Round Playoff Preview (D2 Sun)


First Round – Sunday (11/20) 3:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
The defending champs were a little uneven this season, but much of that is due to teams stacking their rosters to even try to compete. This is a good team, and (G) David Chu and (F) Chris Di have been one of the league’s toughest duos, but what’s make them so tough to beat is experience. They’ve seen it all, and barring any surprisingly bad outings, this is still the team to beat.


There’s talent on this team, and when things go their way they look almost unbeatable. Except as soon as they face adversity, they melt down. NYU won’t be noted for their composure this season. But (G) Nakami Morrisson is maybe the most versatile and athletic guard in D2. And (F) Richard Sun is a proven scorer, but can they get threw a game without throwing it away?
Key Player: David Chu

Day in, day out, the multi-time MVP will bring it. This season has been slightly uneven, we all get older but Chu has never been one to step down from a challenge. They’ll face a bigger NYU team, his shooting will be key to spread the floor and open lanes for Di in the paint.

Pos: G
22.8 ppg
4.0 rpg
6.3 bpg

Pos: G
14.7 ppg
7.3 rpg
5.7 apg
Key Player: Nakami Morrison

Morrison is great in the passing lanes and on the boards. But his 3-pointer is inconsistent and he likes to shoot them. Still, if NYU is going to have a chance to win, he’ll have to lead the way. The best way Morrison can hurt SXP on the break. He’ll be the fastest player on the court.


First Round – Sunday (11/20) 4:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
They’ve been her a thousand times, they know what they need to do to win. Most of the time, they will get it done, especially against a relatively inexperienced team like GOA. But it can’t just be a one-man show with (G) Ace Watanasuparp carrying the full load. (G) David Ri, (F) Ken Van, and a big defensive effort from (C) Victor Chia will be vital here.


Gritty used to be the biggest team in D2, but the Goat Herders take that mantle now. So they take away FOB’s advantage right away. They match-up well with FOB, and that was evident in their regular season match-up, one they lost in the 4th qtr with some botched possessions. If they can limit those mistakes here they have a real chance.
Key Player: A. Watanasuparp

The veteran guard has been around for a long time, and he looks just as fit as he did for the very first bucket he scored in TDL. He is as relentless a scorer as there is in D2. He will do all he can to put FOB in a position to get a win here.

Pos: G
21.4 ppg
6.0 rpg
2.2 spg

Pos: F
15.8 ppg
12.0 rpg
2.2 apg
Key Player: Pete Tsedvos

Tsevdos is a born double-double machine and one D2’s toughest, strongest front-court players. The biggest might just be front-court mate (C) Frank Ward. Between the two of them, they need to control the glass. Not easy vs FOB.

TDL Fall 2016 Semifinals Playoff Preview (D2 WN)


Semifinals – Thursday (11/17) 9:00pm at Murry Bergtraum HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
In their regular season match-up, Guard Me Maybe proved that they have just as much veteran mettle as NGC, so that won’t be an advantage for Gritty. GMM (F) Brian Law also provided the front-court scoring they had been missing all season. Defense can be a bit inconsistent, but if all parts are in place, this is a team that is built to win it all, even if there isn’t much championship exp on the roster.


NYC Gritty Committee has been around for almost as long as the league. Some faces have changed, but the approach is the same. Ball control, tough, physical D, and closing out games. The key add this season has been (F) Bada Hong, his veteran savvy and physical toughness has bolstered an aging front-line. Gritty always plays it close, and more times than not this season, they found a way to win.
Key Player: Tommy Wong

Even if Wong isn’t hitting all his 3s, you have to stay on him, and that opens up the rest of GMM’s offense. Leave him for one second, and one three might turn into ten. Wong is as streaky a shooter as there is in D3. His shot can change the game.

X-Factor: Brian Law

The rookie Law is versatile, a solid defender, and the finisher in the paint they’ve needed all season. He can also defend a number of pos, which is important for a generally undersized GMM front-line.

Pos: G
13.2 ppg
5.7 rpg
2.5 apg

Pos: F
14.5 ppg
7.5 rpg
3.8 apg

Pos: G
17.6 ppg
4.7 rpg
3.3 apg

Pos: G
12.9 ppg
5.6 rpg
3.1 apg

Key Player: Ace Watanasuparp

The veteran guard has been Gritty’s primary scorer this season. Though his shooting efficiency isn’t great, he will attack the defense relentlessly from beginning to end. You can cont on the fact Watanasuparp will not get tired before you do. 

X-Factor: Mark Lee

Before Watanasuparp was added to the roster, Lee was scoring 20 ppg as the first option. He is a great second option now if teams focus efforts on Watanasuparp. He can still take over stretches if needed. 


Semifinals – Thursday (11/29) 7:00pm at Murry Bergtraum HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
The NY Dynasty have been led by great guard play all season, but it’s the addition of (F) Timothy Chin and (F) Danny Lung that have made it a complete roster. Chin gives them a versatile scorer while Lung is a versatile defender. And you can’t underestimate the effort play of (F) Chris Seerveld. They make the job of DYN’s back court that much easier.


The Pretty Boys were a dark horse favorite in the playoffs last season, and perhaps with that momentum they came into this season without changing much. This was a team built around the scoring of (G) David Chu, but this has been an off season for the veteran guard. They have a number of great effort players but not much firepower. (F) Chris Di‘s addition has helped.
Key Player: Josh Fan

Fan is arguably the best one-on-one defender and scorer in D2. He can play from start to finish, but even if he is out, there’s little drop off from there with (G) Will Moy & (G) Ren Hsieh also at guard.

X-Factor: Timothy Chin

Chin is an undersized PF, but he is tough, physical and a stretch 4 with his 3-pt shot. In fact, he’s DYN’s best perimeter threat. And if he’s matched up with a smaller player, he can take him to the block and post him up as well.

Pos: G
19.3 ppg
6.5 rpg
2.8 spg

Pos: F
13.2 ppg
2.6 3pg
8.6 rpg

Pos: G
20 ppg
8 rpg
4.8 apg

Pos: G
13 ppg
1.7 rpg
1 apg

Key Player: David Chu

If Chu is on, he changes the whole tenor of a game. But you can’t leave him alone even if he isn’t, which opens up the rest of the offense. The question is whether they can post enough points on an off-night.

Key Player: Eugene Truong

Fan guarded Chu in their reg season match-up and won their match-up, but Truong lit up the other DYN guards, nearly sparking a comeback in the 4th qtr. If given the chance, Truong can score with anyone in D2.

TDL Fall 2016 Semifinals Playoff Preview (D3 WN)


Semifinals – Thursday (11/17) 7:00pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Skillshare was by far the best team in D3 this season despite putting up stats less gaudy then in previous campaigns. But in their 3rd season now, the team looks comfortable and battle-tested. They have great chemistry and everyone seems to know how they can best help the team win. If this keeps up, the road to the title will go through them.


Their reg season match-up with SKL was blowout loss. NY Dynasty just doesn’t have the size to match-up with SKL, so they’re forced to play zone. With that, if SKL is hitting their jumpers, it’s going to be a long night. But this is also playoff DYN, in which they tend to play up with (G) Ren Hsieh at the helm. He will give them a chance to win.
Key Player: Scott Sullivan

SKL’s leader is (G) Elliott Curtis, but Sullivan puts them on another level. He has the size and versatility at his position that no one else in D3 has. When he’s wreaking havoc in the paint and on the offensive glass, AND making jumpers, SKL is nearly unbeatable.

Pos: F
14.4 ppg
12.4 rpg
3.6 apg

Pos: G
21.2 ppg
4.2 rpg
2.5 spg
Key Player: Steve Shin

Shin has been DYN’s bonafide scorer all season, but his shot selection had been questionable at times. But in the 1st rd win vs UBC, that changed. He had his best game of the season even if it wasn’t his highest scoring. If keeps it up, DYN might have a shot. 

(2) 30 FOR 30 vs (3) JUST RISE

Semifinals – Thursday (11/17) 7:00pm at Murry Bergtraum HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
30-for-30 doesn’t exactly pass the eye test, their strength is in their intangibles. Yes, they have the most dominant rebounder in D3 in (C) Ezekial Kim, and one of the most versatile players in (F) Adam Wang, but everyone else on the roster can be characterized by a unified, all-out effort. And don’t sleep on (G) Peter Kim who tends to lay low, but is one of the craftiest PGs in D3.


If you want to talk about not passing the eye test and intangibles, Just Rise pretty much invented it. There is a reason RIS, a slightly modified Spaghetti Ramen, has never played a D3 season without winning it all. They have all 30F has, and the best player on the floor in multi-time MVP (G) Leuis Ng. And for that, plus 30F’s relative inexperience in the playoffs, they are the favorites.
Key Player: Adam Wang

Wang has been 30F’s best shooter and most consistent 3-pt threat all season. And he has a knack of making them in clutch situations. This is a team that spread the ball well, but inevitably, this will become a game of limited possessions at the end and Wang will have to step up and lead.

Pos: F
14.3 ppg
4.8 rpg
2.8 spg

Pos: G
20 ppg
8 rpg
4.8 apg
Key Player: Leuis Ng

Who’d you think it would be? Ng can completely take over a game, and probably will. Double-teaming him doesn’t work, he’s a great passer and facilitator. The trick might be limiting his teammates, particularly (F) Matt Auerbach, who’s had as good a season as he’s ever had.

TDL Fall 2016 First Round Playoff Preview

(3) FC 21 PEACE & LOVE vs (6) BOOMTOWN

First Round – Wednesday (11/16) 8:00pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
FC 21 Peace & Love has all the parts needed to challenge for a title: experienced guards, shooters, and finishers in the paint. But what they lack is athleticism and a dominant defense. Neither of which is a huge issue to overcome vs BOO, which can cite the same deficiencies. The teams are similar, FC2 with more depth. If they make their perimeter shots they should win this game.


Never forget that Boomtown is a former champ, and they have never done it by stacking their team with talent. This is a scrappy group that is willing to do whatever it takes to win the game. And that effort is led by (G) Jack Delighter who is still a terror on the off. boards, avg 10.5 rpg as a guard. Rookie (G) OJ Samples has also been a feisty floor leader that fits their m.o.
Key Player: Morgan Blakely

Over the course of the season, the veteran Blakely has emerged as FC2’s most consistent scorer. While (F) Tyson Hartnett can explode if he gets hot from the 3-point line, Blakely can score inside and out, with his best asset being the ability to take advantage of smaller (G)s.

Pos: G
18.7 ppg
3.3 rpg
4.3 apg

Pos: F
20.4 ppg
6.2 rpg
3.2 apg
Key Player: Nate Jones

Jones is a former scoring champ and despite a couple of rough seasons, he appears to be back on track despite falling from his more prolific seasons shooting closer to 50% from the field. But if he can get it going early, and shoot efficiently, he can carry this team offensively. 


First Round – Wednesday (11/16) 9:00pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
The only team Team Six played in which they weren’t the obvious favorite was MWW. Otherwise, the defending champs are expected to win every other scenario. With great depth at every position, it often depends simply on whether their 3-pt shots are falling, and they have shot consistently well this season, esp with a resurgence from veteran (G) Brett Swanson.


NY Dynasty have not played well this season, they just haven’t had the personnel with a number of injuries and new players in the mix. But they looked bad going into the summer playoffs too and made it to the title game. Defense has been inconsistent for DYN this season, which has been a past strength. The key will be whether they can put up enough points to compensate.
Key Player: Scott Weisfeld

As well as (F) Marcus Brown has been in his two games this season, Weisfeld is the catalyst for SIX. He’s only played 3 gms himself, but he is no stranger to stepping right in and making all the right plays to get a W. And he’s taken a much bigger role in the offense this season.

Pos: G
18.7 ppg
4.3 rpg
7.3 apg

Pos: G
22.7 ppg
3.7 rpg
2.3 apg
Key Player: Garrett James

James went out with a sore knee mid-season after looking like he had returned to his prime early in the season. DYN’s hopes rely on whether James is feeling good tonight. They don’t have much scoring beyond him despite the add of (F) Young Song.


First Round – Thursday (11/17) 9:00pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Much like FC2, Guard Me Maybe has had all the pieces necessary to challenge for the title, but also like FC2, they had a middling season. The difference here is that FC2 has length/athleticism, and potential for a dominant defense (if not exactly consistency). This team feeds on confidence. When they are playing well and feeling themselves, they can beat anyone.


We Had Game struggled early on but seem to have caught up to the curve now. Getting all their players on the floor certainly helps. This is yet another team with great shooting, solid finishers in the paint, and a lot of hustle on the floor. Their biggest weakness is defense, but not for lack of effort. If WHG shoots well they can score with any team. This one is a toss up.
Key Player: Landon Glover

It was the emergence of Glover that lifted DYN to the title game last season. He can do the same with an arguably more talented group in GMM. If Glover is on, he is capable of carrying GMM to a championship caliber level.

Pos: G
17 ppg
3.3 rpg
2.8 apg

Pos: G
17.2 ppg
6.8 apg
7.2 spg
Key Player: Michael Springer

Early on, (F) Jason Graffam looked like the dominant scorer, but lately Springer has emerged with his ability to create and finish inside-out. Which isn’t to say sleep on Graffam, do so at your own risk, but Springer initiates the WHG offense.

TDL Fall 2016 Playoff Previews (D1, D2 WN)


1st Division Play-In Game – Tuesday (11/15) 9:00pm at Murry Bergtraum HS


Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Top Stars might have been one PG shy of a couple of more wins this season. But their front court is as good as any on offense. Led by (F) Ben Perkins and (C) Quinn Hood this season, the team is surprisingly not dominant on the glass. But with Hood, they have the best scoring (C) in D1. And playing a smaller JLA team, he should thrive in the paint.


Justice League, a D2 team, was good enough to play D1. They just had limited depth and height. But after adding (F) Garrett McCrea they may have the size to compete in D1. No team came within 20 pts of JLA after McCrea, who knows how that translates in D1, but this team plays like a hive mind. When one gets it going, they all get it going.
Key Player: Ben Perkins

As much as Hood may be the focal point on offense, Perkins has been the catalyst for this team for several seasons. His hustle and ability to score in mid-range give TOP a chance in any game. If he has the jumper going, he can go off.

Pos: F
17.0 ppg
5.5 rpg
3 apg

Pos: G/F
17.5 ppg
16.7 rpg
4.8 apg
Key Player: Maxwell Ruffin

Ruffin was the most athletic player in D2, but this won’t be the case in D1. He’ll need to adapt to the overall size/speed in D1, but if he does, Ruffin’s athleticism gets monster #s, but perhaps more importantly it’s his relentless effort.


2nd Division 1st Round Playoffs – Tuesday (11/15) 8:00pm at Murry Bergtraum HS


Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
If we’re honest, neither the Pretty Boys nor NYE have been strong this season, despite solid talent. The one bright spot for PRB is that (F) Chris Di will be added as an injury replacement for (G) Caleb Lui & (G) Eugene Truong may have emerged as a second scorer. Will that be enough to off-set NYE’s superior size in the front court?


In their regular season match-up, Team NYCE pulled off a miracle win in OT. So, they can beat PRB, but it will take their best effort. This is the biggest team in D2, but for whatever reason, it hasn’t translated to wins. Although, they have had some close calls. This is a team that just might surprise you if you decide you want to sleep on them.
Key Player: David Chu

This hasn’t been one of Chu’s best seasons, he’s been inconsistent. But at his best, he can take over a game with his range and ability to make difficult shots. PRB’s odds of winning this game are completely reliant on how Chu’s shot is feeling.

Pos: G
17.5 ppg
4 rpg
2.8 apg

Pos: G/F
11.8 ppg
4.6 rpg
2.2 spg
Key Player: Peter Moon

Moon has given the most consistent effort besides (C) Andre Lowden, who does the same. But Moon can sometimes offset his great plays with TOs as well. He is the fastest player in this game, but it might be his 3-pointer NYE needs most.

TDL Fall 2016 Semifinals Playoff Preview (D3 Sun)


Semifinals – Sunday (11/13) 2:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Street Dreams has been the most consistently good team all season and they are red hot right now. They even won their inter-divisional game playing vs D2. (G) Miguel Melbourne leads the way with an MVP caliber season, but this is a team with plenty of veteran players who know what it takes to win.


Japan United‘s Top 5 players are as good as any in D3. They blew out STR in the reg. season. (G) Ryota Takahashi & (G) Osamu Tanigawa are the pace setters, they’re the fastest back court in D3. (F) Daniel Mosley & (F) Marc Lashly set the tone in the paint. When they get hot, they can beat anyone.
Key Player: Miguel Melbourne

Melbourne’s been the best player in D3 this season, able to affect the game in very facet, and take over at any moment to help lift his team to a win. STR’s success has been thanks to play big in big moments.

X-Factor: Neil Dumadag

Dumadag is one of D3’s top defenders and hustle players, but when he gets shot going, STR is a very difficult team to stop. His ability as a secondary scorer makes it tough to double Melbourne.

Pos: G
23.4 ppg
7.8 rpg
3.6 apg

Pos: F
14 ppg
7.3 rpg
1.3 bpg

Pos: F
18.2 ppg
12 rpg
2.2 apg

Pos: G
17.6 ppg
6.6 rpg
2.8 apg

Key Player: Daniel Mosley

If Tanigawa and Takahashi are the pacesetters, Mosley is their anchor. He does the dirty work, scores in the paint and rebounds. The trick is how quickly he can get in rhythm. ‘Cause when he is, he can score a ton.

X-Factor: Ryota Takahashi

JPU scores a lot of points (often at the sacrifice of defense), and a big reason for that is Takahashi’s speed and aggressiveness in the open court. When he is hitting his shots, JPU can hit you from all angles.


Semifinals – Sunday (11/13) 5:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Spaghetti Ramen are the three-time defending champs for a reason. They play hard and play smart, going all out on defense and letting (G) Leuis Ng run the show. They’re missing dominant defender (F) Mark Hahn but have more offense this season with (G) John Lee and (F) Teddy Lo expanding his game.


The Pandas are a real threat to upset SPR because of match-ups. But the trick is offense. (G) Eddie Tsao is maybe the most aggressive offensive player in D3, and (F) Leo Fu and rookie (G) Zhongzheng Hao have given solid supplementary scoring, but this is mostly in transition. In half-court , they tend to get stagnant.
Key Player: Leuis Ng

As good as Melbourne has been this season, Ng has been that good for pretty much every season. Thus his multiple MVP awards. At this point, if you don’t already know what he brings, it’s your fault.

X-Factor: John Lee

Lee is a tricky kind of player, he is a solid defender and can fill in as a game manager, but every now and then he’ll catch fire and make a lot of shots. You just never know when it’s gonna hit.

Pos: G
21.7 ppg
8 rpg
5 apg

Pos: G
12.5 ppg
4.5 rpg
4.5 apg

Pos: F
15 ppg
3 apg
3 spg

Pos: G
18 ppg
7 rpg
5 apg

Key Player: Ben Wang

Wang is the most versatile player, and maybe best defender, in D3. He is a great passer, though he tends to hold the ball too long in the half-court. Still, he runs the show, this team goes as far as he takes them.

X-Factor: Eddie Tsao

Tsao is fast and has great offensive skills, but his shot selection can be questionable, and sometimes shots just aren’t going in. But he is always a threat for a big scoring day if teams don’t get back on D.

TDL Fall 2016 Week 7 Player Awards (D2, D3 WN)


2nd Division (WN) Player of the Week


22 ppg, 8 rpg, 3 spg, 1 bpg (over 2 games)

Runners-up: (G) Ace Watanasuparp (NGC) 37 points, 4 3FGs, 3 rebounds

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


6 rebounds, 4 steals

Runner-up: (F) Brian Law (GMM) 8 rpg, 3 spg, 1 bpg (over 2 games)

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


12 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 steals

Runner-up: (C) Andre Lowden (NYE) 10 rebounds, 3 steals, 1 block

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


22 ppg, 8 rpg, 3 spg, 1 bpg (over 2 games)

Runner-up: (G) Josh Fan (DYN) 25 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists, 4 steals 

The High-5 Club

Austin Brown (FC2) 10-7-2-1-1
Victor Chia (NGC) 2-3-2-2-1
Jon Keaveny (PRB) 3-6-2-3-2
Brian Law (GMM) 13-7-2-4-1
Brian Law (GMM) 31-9-1-2-1
Andre Lowden (NYE) 4-10-1-3-1
Peter Moon (NYE) 5-4-1-1-1
Sal Nasser (DYN) 14-6-2-1-1
Chris Seerveld (DYN) 6-7-1-1-1
Andrew Suh (PRB) 8-9-1-2-2

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: Ace Watanasuparp (NGC) 37, Brian Law (GMM) 31
3FG: Eugene Truong (PRB) 5, [2 players] 4
REB: Mark Lee (NGC) 12, [2 players] 10
AST: Kento Kato (GMM), Tommy Wong (GMM) 5
STL: J. Fan (DYN), B. Law (GMM), M. Lee (NGC) 4
BLK: J. Keaveny (PRB), A. Suh (PRB), T. Zhang (PRB) 2


3rd Division (WN) Player of the Week


16 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals

Runner-up: (F/C) Anthony Hull (SKL) 17 points, 5 rebounds, 1 assist

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


12 rebounds, 9 steals, 1 block

Runner-up: (F) Ben Hoynes (UBC) 11 rebounds, 2 steals, 2 blocks

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


12 points, 12 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals

Runner-up: (G/F) Jonathan Chiu (LEG) 13 rebounds, 2 steals

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


13 points, 11 rebounds, 2 steals, 2 blocks

Runner-up: (G) Joe Shelley (UBC) 8 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists

The High-5 Club

Danius Giedraitis (LEG) 9-12-5-9-1
Louis Konig (UBC) 8-10-6-2-1
Teddy Lo (RIS) 2-11-3-1-1

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: Anthony Hull (SKL) 17, Leuis Ng (RIS) 16
3FG: Elliott Curtis (SKL) 4, Allen Liu (RiS) 3
REB: J. Chiu (LEG) 13, E. Curtis (SKL), D. Giedraitis (LEG) 12
AST: Elliott Curtis (SKL) 6, Danius Giedraitis (LEG) 5
STL: Danius Giedraitis (LEG) 9, Leuis Ng (RIS) 3
BLK: Ben Hoynes (UBC) 2, [4 players] 1

TDL Fall 2016 Week 8 Player Awards (All Sunday Divisions)


1st Division (Sun) Player of the Week


38 points, 21 rebounds, 11 assists, 9 steals

Runner-up: (G/F) David Farnham (NFZ) 36 ppg, 7 3pg, 11 rpg, 5 apg (over 2 games)

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


7 rebounds, 6 steals, 1 block

Runner-up: (F/C) Jordan Calhoun (DOR) 15 rebounds, 5 steals, 2 blocks

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 steals, 2 blocks

Runner-up: (F) Pete Panos (STM) 15 points, 13 rebounds, 6 assiss, 2 steals

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


18 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists, 1 steal, 1 block

Runner-up: (G) Dylan Rafferty (STM) 15 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals

The High-5 Club

James Alexander (SKK) 5-7-4-6-1
Jordan Calhoun (DOR) 22-15-2-5-2
Yifu Huang (SES) 5-3-1-1-1
Paul LaBarbera (SKK) 9-6-2-1-2
Nick Liveris (NFZ) 15-10-2-2-1
Mike Meng (NFZ) 7-8-7-2-1
Jeff Rose (RAR) 6-7-1-1-2
Dain Scheibel (DOR) 18-6-5-1-1

Sean Zhang (SKW) 10-6-4-1-1

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: Michael Reding (NFZ) 38, David Farnham (NFZ) 35
3FG: D. Farnham (NFZ) 9, Will Chu (DOR) 6
REB: Michael Reding (NFZ) 21, Jin BaE Kim (DOR) 17
AST: Emmett Van Slyke (NFZ) 13, Michael Reding (NFZ) 11
STL: Michael Reding (NFZ) 9, James Alexander (SKK) 6
BLK: [4 players] 2, [11 players] 1


2nd Division (Sun) Player of the Week


24 points, 10 rebounds, 3 steals, 1 block

Runner-up: (F) Pete Tsevdos (GOA) 20.5 ppg, 16 rpg, 1.5 spg (over 2 games)

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


17 rpg, 1.5 spg, 2 bpg (over 2 games)

Runner-up: (C) Victor Chia (FOB) 5 rebounds, 3 steals, 4 blocks

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


17 rpg, 5.5 apg, 1.5 spg, 2 bpg (over 2 games)

Runner-up: (F) Bryan Ryhija (TEA) 12 rpg, 3 spg, 1 bpg (over 2 games)

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


7.5 ppg, 8.5 rpg, 7 apg, 2.5 spg (over 2 games)

Runner-up: (C) Frank Ward (GOA) 10.5 ppg, 8 rpg, 1.5 bpg (over 2 games)

The High-5 Club

G Beaubrun (WOL) 3-7-1-1-1
Victor Chia (FOB) 7-5-5-3-4
Jerry Ho (BOM) 13-4-2-3-2
David Hsiung (BOM) 14-5-2-1-1
Jake Liu (BOM) 9-8-1-1-1
Derek Lu (RAP) 17-7-7-4-1
Bryan Ryhija (TEA) 14-8-1-4-2
Sherwin Salar (BOM) 2-20-6-1-3
Sherwin Salar (BOM) 9-14-5-2-1
Noah Scovronick (TEA) 24-10-1-3-1
Amir Stein (RAP) 5-4-2-1-1

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: Pete Tsevdos (GOA) 31, Noah Scovronick (TEA) 24
3FG: Ian Zack (TEA) 5, Will Chu (TAP), Jerry Ho (BOM) 4
REB: Pete Tsevdos (GOA) 21, Sherwin Salar (BOM) 20
AST: Y. Paranni (GOA) 11, J. Ho (BOM), D. Lu (RAP) 7
STL: J. Ho (BOM), D. Lu (RAP), B. Ryhija (TEA) 4
BLK: Victor Chia (FOB) 4, Sherwin Salar (BOM) 3


3rd Division (Sun) Player of the Week


17 points, 18 rebounds, 5 assists

Runner-up: (F) Leo Fu (PAN) 18 points, 5 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


12 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block

Runner-up: (F) Leo Fu (PAN) 5 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


17 points, 18 rebounds, 5 assists

Runner-up: (C) Felix Zhang (GOO) 15 points, 13 rebounds

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


15 points, 8 rebounds, 2 assists

Runner-up: (G) Zhongzheng Hao (PAN) 11 points, 5 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals

The High-5 Club

Leo Fu (PAN) 18-5-1-1-1
Ben Wang (PAN) 8-12-4-1-1

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: L. Fu (PAN), R. Takahashi (JPU) 18, [2 players] 17
3FG: L. Fu (PAN), Z. Hao (PAN) 3, [5 players] 2
REB: Daniel Mosley (JPU) 18, Felix Zhang (GOO) 13
AST: O. Tanigawa (JPU) 7, D. Mosley (JPU), E. Tsao (PAN) 5
STL: J. Lau (GOO), E. Tsao (PAN) 3, [4 players] 2
BLK: M. Chen (GOO), B. Grant (LIF) 2, [2 players] 1