TDL Spring 2016 Playoff Preview (Play-In Games)


Eastern Conference Play-In Game – Saturday (6/11) 1:30pm at MLK HS

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Jay’s Angels looked like a solid, well balanced roster, but never really put up the kind of consistent late game play to throw their hat in the ring as a contender. But, somehow they still made it to the playoffs, and this is an all new season now. They have solid play from bigs, (F) Johnny Spillane is a capable scorer, and (G) Sal Nasser has been a force all season. (G) Ori Damari is their primary threat from the perimeter, but JAY needs more consistency from behind the arc, and more consistency of effort on the defensive end as well. 


The Free Agents actually played JAY in the reg season opener. Both teams were essentially playing with new personnel and JAY got the W. But, FAS has come a long way since then, going toe-to-toe to #1 NFZ, and even at times, looking like a viable playoff contender. But their roster is limited, and they’re typically playing under-sized. When they get it going from the 3-pt line, in particular, (G) David Chu, they can be a tough team to put away. On top of that, when they get solid contributions (and efficiency) from their role players, they’re even better.
Key Player: (G) Sal Nasser
Nasser is a indefatigable force in the hustle dept, no guard has ever been a better rebounder, and he is likely the most athletic guard in D-1. His work on the offensive boards is a big asset for JAY. The key is better shooting efficiency, the lightning quick guard can really get any shot he wants. He just has to be patient.
Key Player: (F) David Chu
If Chu gets hot from the 3-pt line, FAS becomes a different team. It’s as if his teammates’ jumpers feed off of him, too. When this team is hitting from the perimeter it creates so much open space in the paint for finishers like (F) Sekani Thompson and (F) Mike Song. But it doesn’t usually work the other way around.


Western Conference Play-In Game – Saturday (6/11) 2:30pm at MLK HS

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Just last season, SK War Dog was an offensive juggernaut that was one short-handed roster away from a title. But competition gets better, and SKW dropped a couple of winnable games to fall to #4. Which means they’ll have to play an extra game to get where they want to be. Offensively, they’ll come with the same attack. Every player has the green light to launch 3s. (G) Kash Miah and (G) Vegas Dave Wong will attack all day on offense, looking for any weakness. (G) Pat Youreneff will create off the bounce. Don’t let the 4 seed fool you, at their best, this offense is every bit as unstoppable as last season.


It would almost seem unfair that any team would have to play SKW in a play-in game, they would in most circumstances be the #1 seed. But not Space Jam, this team has been completely unpredictable this season. This could just as easily be a battle as a blowout. JAM has a trio of very capable perimeter scorers in (G) Liam Lee, (G) Jason Fulford, and (F) JL Novosad. But for a team that shoots just 28% from three, they do a shoot a lot of them. That can keep them in some games, and out of others. It probably wouldn’t be the best idea to get into a shootuot with SKW, but then who knows, that might be perfect for JAM.
Key Player: (F) Sean Zhang
Miah and Youreneff give you ~20 each every game, but when SKW is really unstoppable is when Zhang starts hitting 3s. With Zhang’s height and quick release, he’s almost unguardable when he’s on. He will put them up regardless, and if he’s hitting, it’s gonna be a long day.
Key Player: (G) Jason Fulford
With a deep range, and a ball on a string type handle, Fulford is JAM’s best play-maker and clutch shooter, though he can be streaky. But more than that, he gives them a fierce competitive edge they haven’t had since (F) Michael Roche was on the team. And that team won the title.