TDL Summer 2016 Week 4 Power Rankings (P)

Rank Team Record Comments
3-0 How is it possible that Metta World War, having two titles in their last two seasons played, and with every team building their roster to beat them, seemed to have gotten even better? (F) Gus David‘s return and the addition of (F) Nick Annacone have now given MWW the only thing they lacked last season, depth. This is the team to beat.
(n/a) SAL 1-1 It’s a new look Sal Team 6 and new adds (G) James Hudson and (G) Scott Weisfeld give the team an even more polished in the backcourt. Weisfeld is a savvy scorer and point man, while Hudson can gun it with anyone in the Premier. They have given MWW their toughest game this season, that one could have just as easily gone to SAL. 
(n/a) SPA
2-0 After a rough start sapped their confidence last season, the NYK Spartans look rejuvenated. This is still not a top end offensive team, but (F) Askia Davis gives them a consistent option in the front-court, and only bolsters their tough interior D.  Davis’ also frees up (F) Young Song to fill gaps and score without set plays, which he does very well.
(n/a) TIM 2-1 This is already much better than last season’s debacle. Tim Nubina has always had the size and shooting, but adding (G) Morgan Blakely and (G) Gus Gauntlett gives them two strong floor leaders now. Which frees up (G) Duke Stanojevic and (G) Stefan Perunicic to do what they do best, shoot the three ball. 
(n/a) DYN 1-2 NY Dynasty has probably been past its prime for some time now. The once perennial champs don’t have the same consistency on D as in past seasons and tired legs look to be the culprit. They have no consistent 3-pt shooter. (G) Landon Glover was a good add, fitting their mold of smart, defensive-minded guards, but so far, the offense is stalling.
(n/a) BKA 1-1 After a long hiatus, BK All Day is back. The one-time champs may not be as young as they used to be, but they know haven’t forgotten how to win. Look for BKA to move up the ladder. (G) Honey Tufail has dropped 18 3FGs in 2 games, and (G) Rommel Dolar has the ball on a string as much as ever has. The key is who else will fill out the roster.
(n/a) ASN 0-2 The Asphalt Ninjas are really a free agent team, and though they have good talent, particularly 19 yo Pace University (G) Ryan Kennedy who has been virtually unstoppable off the bounce, they haven’t quite had the chemistry to pull out a win yet. But they haven’t been far off. This could be a matter of time before they make a run. 
(n/a) BLH 0-3 The only team to win a title between MWW’s last 2 seasons was Bronx-Lebanon HC. But the momentum is lost after taking a season off. The key missing piece is the versatility and toughness of (F) Felipe Barrios. (F) Jimmy Noel has been a solid new add, but scorer (G) Courteney Tabron needs more help carrying the load offensively if (F) Brian Gilbert continues to miss games. Time is running out.