Tag: Winter 2017

TDL Winter 2017 Championship Preview (D1, D2 WN)


D2 WN Championship – Wednesday, March 29, 7pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Last night, THE JUNKIES showed why when playing at their best, they are unbeatable at this level. The newbie franchise just dismantled a veteran DYN team that had no answer for (G) Eugene Kravitz or (F) Mark Promax or (F) Danny Kennelly on D. It was a massacre. If they bring that hot shooting into tonight’s game, the chip is theirs to lose. Or rather, to win.


This is not unfamiliar territory for NYC GRITTY COMMITTEE. If they just get into the playoffs, they always have a chance at running the table. They’ve been around long enough to know how to win close games (despite almost giving up the win last night to poor FT shooting). Still, Gritty has the physicality and size to match-up with JUN. If they can get stops, they can win this.
Key Player: Eugene Kravits

He’ll be the quickest player on the floor, which means he can create his own shot as much as he can for others. And if the jumper is falling like it was last night, NGC won’t have an answer for him.


Pos: G
16.5 ppg
6.0 apg
4.5 spg

Pos: G
12.5 ppg
1.5 rpg
4.0 apg
Key Player: Ace Watana.

The NGC offense runs through their veteran PG, Watanasuparp, and he’ll likely have to guard Kravits as well. All he has to do is contain Kravits, and manage the game on the other end. If the shot is falling, bonus.

X-Factor: Mark Promax

Promax was more aggressive in last night’s win than he was all season. And a big reason for that is DYN allowing him to get out in transition where is tough to stop. If NGC doesn’t take care of the ball, Promax can put up big #s again.

Pos: F
21.5 ppg
5.0 rpg
3.5 apg

Pos: G
13.0 ppg
3.0 3pg
2.0 apg
X-Factor: David Chu

Chu is always capable of heating up in any game, but he’s nursing a strained back. If NGC can get him some open looks early on, he can change the tenor of the game with his range. NGC has alot of guards who can create mismatches. 


D1 WN Championship – Wednesday, March 29, 8pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Tthe NYK SPARTANS have been the most dominant team in D1 all season, with a formidable front-court and solid veteran guard play. Their one weakness might be perimeter shooting. They don’t have one true gunner to help spread the court. So far, D1 scoring champ (F) Young Song hasn’t really needed it. But with HON’s pressure D out on the perimeter, guard play may be the key to this game.


They don’t alway look the part, but the HONEY BADGERS have been right here all season. The Badgers live up to their name every single night they play. Sheer grit and determination in a win last night vs ASN got them into chip. Their ability to make every game ugly gives them a chance to win it in crunch time. It’s a 50/50 scenario when both teams are exhausted and the game is close. They’ll take those odds.
Key Player: Young Song

If you leave him free, he’ll torch you for 30. But pay too much attention to him and his teammates will pick up the scoring. It’s basically pick your poison, but if we’re being 💯, Song is a much, much, much more lethal poison.

Pos: F
12.0 ppg
8.0 rpg
2.0 spg

Pos: F
13.0 ppg
11.0 rpg
1.0 spg
Key Player: Sherwin Salar

HON (F) Zach Moretti is just as key as Salar in the same way here, both defend much bigger players, both play with twice the heart. And if they can get some 3FGs to drop from their back court, they can make an even bigger impact on offense.

X-Factor: Chris Youn

Youn is the point forward, and other than Song, the most consistent of SPA’s lineup. The x-factor here is whether he’s hitting his 3FG. They don’t have a true shooter, but when Youn is hitting, it’s a huge asset.

Pos: F
5.0 ppg
7.0 rpg
5.0 apg

Pos: G
3.0 ppg
1.0 3pg
1.0 rpg
X-Factor: Tommy Wong

Wong is on this team to make 3FGs. It just hasn’t happened consistently this season. But thus is thrill of a single-elim game. If he can get hot for just one night, he can do a lot for the Badgers’ cause. 

TDL Winter 2017 Playoff Preview (D1, D2 Semifinals)


D2 WN  Playoffs (Semifinals) – Tuesday, March 28, 6:45pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
The NY DYNASTY have a veteran roster with lots of interior size and perimeter scoring. They’re led by a veteran back court, who may not be as fast as they used to be, but still perfectly capable of carrying this team to victory. They attack you in a variety of ways and they’ll need to explore all options vs JUN.


THE JUNKIES beat DYN in the reg season, but they didn’t have either of their big. Which is key, because JUN has a huge front-line. Now with DYN fully loaded, can JUN dominate in the paint like they did before. To that end, key adds (G) Chung Lee & (F) Mark Promax have since given them depth as well.
Key Player: Drew Chen

He won’t wow you with his scoring, but he does just about everything else for this team. He is the team’s best defender, and he can create his own shot if his team needs it. Chen will be a match-up problem for JUN.

Pos: G
6.6 ppg
7.6 rpg
8.4 apg

Pos: F
13.8 ppg
12.3 rpg
3.2 apg
Key Player: Allen Granowski

Granowski is maybe the biggest skill player in D2. He can shoot the 3 and is a willing passer, but his best asset is his ability to post big rebounding numbers. When his team dominates the paint, they win. 


D2 WN  Playoffs (Semifinals) – Tuesday, March 28, 7:45pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
What the NY ROCKITS lack in size and experience, they make up for in speed and all-out effort. This under-sized, small-ball squad just comes at you in waves. And when their hitting their 3FGs, they are nearly unbeatable. NGC will have the advantage iu the paint, but NYR’s pressure defense can force TOs and create easy points.


The veteran NYC GRITTY COMM. did not look good in their first match up with NYR. They were sluggish and slow, and could not control the ball in key moments. They’ll have to do that here, especially early in the game. If they succumb to the Rockits pressure defense early on, they just don’t have enough offensive fire power to come from behind.
Key Player: Kyle Lew

Lew is the Rockits’ steadiest scorer, he can fill it up from 3, and take it off the bounce. When he and (G) Dennis Liew both have it going they are tough duo to wrangle. Both can attack you the same ways.

Pos: G
14.3 ppg
1.7 rpg
3.3 apg

Pos: G
14.8 ppg
3.8 rpg
1.5 spg
Key Player: Ace Watansuparp

The veteran Watanasuparp has been a bit streaky this season, but part of that has been due to his being in and out of the lineup. He’ll have to carry a big load today as NGC’s primary ball-handler and 1st option.


D1 WN  Playoffs (Semifinals) – Tuesday, March 28, 8:45pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
If you don’t know by now, frankly, you don’t deserve to beat the NYK SPARTANS. You absolutely must mark (F) Young Song on every single play. Which is no small feat, he’s great rim-runner and is sneaky on the back line, finding open spots. And most of all, his teammates are always looking for him.


OPTION A actually has the size to compete with SPA, but do they have the discipline? SPA (F) Young Song absolutely torched them in their first match-up because they kept losing track of him. If they can contain Song, and force the other Spartans to score, they can give themselves a chance in this game.
Key Player: Young Song

As mentioned above, the guy knows how to get open. But just as key is he has a knack of finishing around the rim. He’s not very athletic, or particularly strong, he just knows how to put the ball in the whole.

Pos: F
30.1 ppg
10.6 rpg
1.0 bpg

Pos: F/C
15.0 ppg
8.6 rpg
1.9 spg
Key Player: Haris Ahmed

Ahmed has a big load to carry here, he is OPA’s best scorer and best rim protector. But they shouldn’t have him guard Song 1-on-1, they need him help-side. Scoring-wise, he has to hit the 3 to open up the paint.


D1 WN  Playoffs (Semifinals) – Tuesday, March 28, 9:45pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
HONEY BADGERS couldn’t get (F) Kanem Johnson eligible for the playoffs. And it was specifically for ASN that they needed him. They’ll have to beat them with grit and quickness now. Which is not out of the question, HON was just one overtime possession away from beating ASN in the semifinals just last season.


ASPHALT NINJAS couldn’t get their big man (C) Rigo Sargeant playoff eligible either, but as long as (G) Kev Chang on the floor, they have a chance. This is still a very deep roster with plenty of veteran savvy in (G) Wilson Lew and (G) Ian Yu. Count on this game going down to the wire again, if not for extra periods.
Key Player: Zach Moretti

Moretti started off quiet, but he has since picked up his play. He’s their best slasher and finisher. He is also, like teammate (G) Alex Tsay, and the team’s namesake, a relentless player. No back down here.

Pos: F
14.7 ppg
6.0 rpg
1.7 apg

Pos: G
20.2 ppg
5.8 rpg
2.4 spg
Key Player: Kev Chang

Chang may be the best wing scorer in D1 with a combo of crafty drives & 3-point range. And it always looks fairly easy, he’s as smooth they come. But HON has as tough a perimeter D as they come, too.

TDL Winter 2017 Playoff Preview (All Sunday Divisions)


D1 Sun Playoffs (Semifinals) – Sunday, March 26, 1:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
At this point, just getting into the playoffs is enough for SK WAR DOG, the seeding isn’t. Their Big 3 back court is back, though not as efficient from the FT line as in some seasons past. Which may or may not come into the play this post-season. But this is a multi-time former champ with a roster full of veterans. Playoffs are their playground.


SHAWN KEMP’S KIDS was able to dictate the tempo vs ADG and advance. But an uptempo style might do worse for them here as SKW invites it, and is better at it. But aggressive perimeter D can frustrate the aging SKW backcourt, which can mean forced shots, or an even more focused effort. It’s a gamble, but why not make them work for it.
Key Player: Kash Miah

The veteran gunner isn’t 100% yet, but he’s still the most dangerous player on the floor. You just can’t leave him by himself. He will never stop shooting, and if you let him get hot, you will lose the game.

Pos: G
17.8 ppg
4.0 3pg
4.8 rpg

Pos: G/F
12.0 ppg
7.0 rpg
4.0 apg
Key Player: Dan Linnane

Linnane was relatively quiet during the regular season, but in SKK’s 1st rd win over ADG, he showed his versatility off the wing. Able to score inside/out and setup his teammates, they’ll need plenty of that here. 

(2) NO FLY ZONE OG vs (7) TAP NY

D2 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Sunday, March 26, 2:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
It’s no secret, NO FLY ZONE OG was terrible before rookie (F) Phil Thomas joined as a free agent. He has lifted them to contender status, by not only putting up solid #s, but making every one of his teammates better. That should seal his MVP prospects this season. This is now a veteran team with plenty of guard play, shooting, defense, and a rare athlete in Thomas.


This is actually the deepest TAP NY team they’ve ever fielded. Having (F) Jin Bae Kim and (F) Dave Liu in the front court is the most formidable they have ever been at those positions. There just might not be enough basketball to keep everyone happy offensively. (G) Will Chu has given them a chance in every game, but they just haven’t closed as well this season as in the past.
Key Player: Phil Thomas

Thomas might be the most athletic player in D2 this season, and he is plenty versatile as well, leading his team in PPG, RPG, second in APG, and BPG. He is the hero that NFZ had been looking for.

Pos: F
18.4 ppg
10.6 rpg
3.2 apg

Pos: G
20.6 ppg
4.4 3pg
4.4 apg
Key Player: Will Chu

Should be no surprise, but Chu is carrying TAP offensively. And his 3.1 spg is his highest in years. If no one else steps up, they’ll need another big one from Chu to keep pace with NFZ’s fire power.


D2 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Sunday, March 26, 2:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
With the most dangerous back court in D2, along with an MVP candidate in the front court in (F) Chris Di, the SEX PANTHERS are fully loaded for a title run. No team gets more scoring from their Top 3, which also means attendance can be an issue. But this is a multi-time former champ that can go down big and still comeback to win.


The WOLVERINES offense has transitioned to (G) Nick Abrapour this season, which is fine. He’s the most capable scorer in the back court, but roster inconsistency has made this season a head-scratcher despite solid 3-pt shooting (which WOL needed). This is a defensive minded team that will be physical, but a lot hinges on Abrapour now.
Key Player: David Chu

Chu is not only a dangerous shooter that is capable of going for 30 in any game, the Panthers also work to get him as many touches as possible to get there. His shooting can wear even the toughest defenses thin.

Pos: G
24.1 ppg
4.7 3pg
4.6 rpg

Pos: G
14.4 ppg
9 rpg
3.2 spg
Key Player: Nick Abrapour

He’ll be the best athlete in this game, which means he can get any shot he wants. But he has stay disciplined on both sides of the ball. TOs, missed assignments and bad shot selection are his downfall. 


D2 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Sunday, March 26, 3:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
It should no surprise that GRITTY FOB CITY is a contender again with (F) Chris Youn on the floor. Having him almost always means FOB is winning the chip. But they’re all a little older, and haven’t been quite as convincing this season. But if anyone can pick them up and carrying them, it’s Youn.


Speed and aggressive transition is FOB’s weakness, and NY BRICKS have plenty of that. They don’t really have to worry about efficiency as much as keeping the attack going in waves. Eventually, FOB will tire. If the Bricks are hitting from the perimeter, and turning TOs into points, they can win this game.
Key Player: Chris Youn

He does it all, score, rebound, pass defend, and he is the only player seemingly in FOB history that can get the most out of this group. The team are underachievers without him, or he’s just that good.

Pos: F
15.3 ppg
8.5 rpg
5.5 apg

Pos: G
9.7 ppg
5.1 apg
2.9 spg
Key Player: Eric Kim

He hasn’t had a great season scoring wise, but Kim is still the catalyst for his team. He hasn’t looked great in his last few games, but he has to pick up his game and the tempo vs FOB. His speed can kill here. 


D2 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Sunday, March 26, 3:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
BOMB SQUAD has easily been the most dominant team in D2 this season with the same core leading the way. Key adds in (G) Daniel Wolff & (C) Spencer Bartlebaugh have given them great depth, but this is still a team built on their defense and ability to score off rebounds and turnovers. This is championship caliber.


SPAGHETTI RAMEN pulled of a miracle comeback win over GOA in the play-in game, but it’s a bit much to expect them to do the same here. Then again, in single-elimination, you just never know do you. You can count on one thing, Ramen will fight in every second of this game, and they will not quit. So if BOM is prone to sleep like GOA, look out.
Key Player: David Hsiung

The game was essentially a forfeit, but Hsiung scored 37 in it. Which means he is perfectly capable of lighting it up if you don’t pay very close attention to him. He is also their best perimeter defender.

Pos: G/F
19.2 ppg
5.7 rpg
2.2 apg

Pos: G/F
16 ppg
8 rpg
7 spg
Key Player: Matt Auerbach

The versatile Auerbach does a pretty good impression of (G) Leuis Ng in the #s when the latter is out of the lineup. But with a totally different approach. They’ll need another big game from him today. 


D1 Sun Playoffs (Semifinals) – Sunday, March 26, 4:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
YUNG NO FLY ZONE hasn’t been as dominant as past regular seasons, but that hasn’t necessarily led to titles either. But as they’ve shown this season, this veteran team finds ways to win. And key additions of (F) Sherwin Salar & (F) Phil Thomas have given them more depth than they’ve ever had. This is the team to beat right now.


Solid 1st rd win for THE LIZARDS, the game was never in doubt. They got balanced scoring across the board, and moved the ball well, assisting on 17 of their 20 made FGs. They will have to keep up that kind of polished attack vs NFZ, a team that won’t take as many ill-advised shots as STM. The Lizards must dominate the glass to win this game.
Key Player: Michael Reding

They run the entire offense through Reding to give him as many chances as possible to see his trademark 3-pt streaks. When he goes off, NFZ gets big leads. And he’s also their most versatile defender.

Pos: F
18.1 ppg
8.3 rpg
3.0 apg

Pos: F
11 ppg
7 rpg
5 apg
Key Player: Nat Schacht

Add 3 blocks and you have Schacht’s all-around effort in their 1st rd win over STM. A versatile forward with great height & length, Schacht will be a match-up probably for NFZ if they can get him involved early. 


D3 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Sunday, March 26, 4:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
POGI POINTS won’t beat you with great speed–outside of (F) Jin Bae Kim–but they have great size, and balanced scoring from all over the floor. They proved in their regular season win over NFU that they can win close games against a faster team. Well, they’ll have to do it again here, against that same tea, now with a scouting report.


Their last loss of the season came to POG, so this will be a revenge game for NY FALCONS U. But keeping composure will be key to that. This team has plenty of youth and speed, but making the right decisions vs a strong team like POG is a whole different thing altogether. Falcons have to keep going hard, but now in crunch time, they have to close.
Key Player: Jin Bae Kim

Kim may be the most athletic player in D3, and he has shown it this season by contributing across the board for his team. He is their best slasher, rebounder, passer, and defensive player. And he’ll need to do it all again in this one.

Pos: F
15.6 ppg
11.8 rpg
4.2 apg

Pos: G/F
12.6 ppg
4.7 rpg
1.4 spg
Key Player: Jeff Zheng

Like all the NFU scorers, Zheng is aggressive in attacking the defense whenever he gets the chance. The tricky part has always been staying under control. They have the talent to get the lead, now they have to figure out how to keep it.

TDL Winter 2017 Playoff Previews (D1, D2, D3)


D1 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Saturday, March 25, 1pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
THE LIZARDS have been here before, though not with the all the same faces. But this is a calm and collected team with (G) Joe Zenz & (G) Adam Bottorf at the helm, with some streaky outside shooting from (G) Christian Jordan, who is very capable of creating his own shot. This is also a very big front-line, built for the playoffs.


Young-ish and athletic, STRANGER TEAM is an enigma. Possibly D1’s most athletic team with (F) Pete Panos, (G) Dylan Rafferty, and in particular, (F) Chris Tsatsis, but more than 50% of their FGAs come from behind the 3-pt line, and not at a strong clip. When they get hot, they can beat anyone. But too often, bad shot selection does them in.
Key Player: Joe Zenz

Perennially a top PG in D1, Zenz might also be the best rebounder at the position we’ve ever seen. A pass-first setup man who can score if called upon, Zenz always gives his team a chance to win.

Pos: G
12.8 ppg
7.8 rpg
4.5 apg

Pos: G
23.3 ppg
3.7 3pg
3.9 rpg
Key Player: Dylan Rafferty

Young gunner Rafferty led D1 Sun in scoring this season, he’s one of those streaky shooters that just can’t miss when he gets hot. Barely even looks at the rim, ball barely touches the net. But he is a volume shooter. 


D3 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Saturday, March 25, 2pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
There are really only two contenders in this season’s D3, STR and JAPAN UNITED. And United is the deeper team on offense, they just don’t have the defensive stoppers STR has. Which is to say, if you don’t put up a strong defensive effort right from the beginning, JPU will blow you right out of the water.


Despite their reg season record, THE CRUSTACEANS had good showings against D3’s top teams. They did this with tough D, and streaky shooting. But in each of those games, they didn’t finish strong. So, here’s another chance to see if they can figure it out. Their superior size will help. If they can control the glass and give CRU second shots, they’ll have a chance.
Key Player: Daniel Mosley

Mosley is the steady anchor to all of JPU’s outside speed. he does all the dirty work, gets all the tough buckets for them. It’s his ability to create something out of nothing that puts JPU on the same level as STR above the rest.

Pos: G/F
14.7 ppg
10.3 rpg
3.1 apg

Pos: G
16.1 ppg
7.3 rpg
3.1 apg
Key Player: Jason Lai

Lai is a streaky shooter with a sneaky crossover. Also a willing rebounder and solid passer, he is CRU’s most versatile player and focal point. He can’t hesitate, CRU bigs need to give him as many chances as possible to get hot from 3.


D2 Sun Play-In Game – Saturday, March 25, 2:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
The GOAT HERDERS have more than enough talent on the roster, but they needed to win 2 of their last 3 just to squeeze into this play-in game. (F) Pete Tsevdos and (F) Andrea Kormosis are finishers in the paint, and Tsevdos is even their best 3-pt shooter, but finding consistency in the backcourt is key.


The veteran SPAGHETTI RAMEN will be missing a lot of key players in this play-in game, but if they have a key piece available in (G) Ryan Chong, they may have a chance. He hasn’t quite lived up to the PAAG Tourney MVP billing he earned last summer, but he is capable. Chances here will be slim regardless.
Key Player: Pete Tsevdos

The veteran Tsevdos has carried this GOA team for a long time now, and he always does so with a smile. Arguably the most formidable big man in D2, he will be called upon to carry a heavy load here again.

Pos: F/C
19.8 ppg
12.6 rpg
1.6 spg

Pos: G
15.3 ppg
5.3 rpg
3.3 spg
Key Player: Ryan Chong

Word on the street is (G) Leuis Ng will not be available. If so, Chong will need to carry a very heavy load. He is a streaky shooter with deep range but hasn’t found the stroke this season. They’ll need it today.


D3 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Saturday, March 25, 3pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
THE BLOUSES are suddenly hit with the injury bug. Key players (G) Roswell Lo, (G) Mark Feeney, and (C) Danius Giedraitis are all out for the playoffs. This leaves a huge whole in the offense that won’t be easily compensated. Veteran (G) Brent Morita will do his best to keep his team in play. They’ll need strong D and a little luck for the rest.


They may consider themselves lucky, THE PANDAS just missed out on playing a powerhouse in BLO. They have had their own struggles this season. The new personnel hasn’t meshed as quickly as they’d hoped. So they’ll have a chance here to get it together. If they can get by BLO, maybe they turn that momentum into some team chemistry.
Key Player: Brent Morita

One of the best setup men in TDL history, Morita will have to pick up the scoring with Feeney and Lo out. Tough ask for a player who’s not used to shooting first, but there’s not much Morita can’t handle.

Pos: G
5.2 ppg
5.2 apg
2.8 spg

Pos: G
16.7 ppg
5.5 rpg
2.8 apg
Key Player: Eddie Tsao

Tsao may be the fastest player in D3 but not only are his numbers down this season, his overall impact has seemed to diminish as well. But it’s playoff time, and he is very capable of putting up a big game.


D3 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Saturday, March 25, 3:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Led by reigning MVP (G) Miguel Melbourne,  STREET DREAMS is the odds on favorite to win it all. Last season’s best player stacked his roster this season in a bid to win it all. (F) Neil Dumadag is having a dominant season on D, the favorite to win Def MVP, as Melbourne is to win overall MVP. 


If GOON SQUAD has anything going for them, it’s that they can be very streaky shooters, and STR probably doesn’t know who those shooters are. If (G) Bob Zhang and (G) Charles Zheng get hot in this game, they can give GOO a chance. Outside of that, they need to control the boards to even smell a win.
Key Player: Miguel Melbourne

Unstoppable one-on-one, Melbourne is D3’s biggest match-up problem. He can be as dangerous on defense as he is on offense, too. The shot has not been as efficient this season, but the steals and easy transition points have made up for most of that.

Pos: G
21.9 ppg
3.9 apg
3.9 spg

Pos: G
14.5 ppg
6 rpg
2 spg
Key Player: Bob Zhang

Zhang is a streaky shooter who can carry an offense in stretches, and if he and Zheng are hitting, this is a team that can put up some points. So, GOO will let it fly and hope for the best in this one. In single-elim, you just never know.


D1 Sun Playoffs (1st Round) – Saturday, March 25, 4:30pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
If the playoffs were meant for big, defensive-minded teams, then the ADAM D GAMBLERS are built for success. With D1’s biggest (and heaviest) lineup, they were also the league’s top D, giving up a paltry 44.1 ppg. Their biggest short-coming has been 3-pt shooting, where they shoot 13%, a league low. 


If ADG has a weakness, it’s speedy guards that can beat their man, and force TOs. And SHAWN KEMP’S KIDS have plenty of those. They also have some solid size with (C) Graham Diamond in the pivot. SKK’s back court was held at bay in their first meeting but if they play well, this one’s a toss up.
Key Player: Erik Jerrard

ADG (F) Rich Schuler is their most capable scorer, but Jerrard is their biggest mismatch. He doesn’t need plays called, he just waits at the box for his team to shoot and pushes any defender under the basket for an easy put-back. It’s all day.

Pos: F/C
13.5 ppg
14.5 rpg
1.2 spg

Pos: G
17.7 ppg
5.8 rpg
3.0 apg
Key Player: Donovan Walsh

Walsh at his best is like the Isaiah Thomas of D1. Undersized but able to finish tough acrobatic shots at the rim, and knock down big 3FGs in crunch time. He does, however, throw up some stinkers from time to time. SKK can’t afford that here.

TDL Winter 2017 Playoff Preview (D1, D2, D3)


D1 WN Playoffs (Semifinals) – Thursday, March 23, 7pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
This is always the team to beat in D3 but SPAGHETTI RAMEN were short-handed last season in the title game when they lost their first D3 title game to SKL. They will short-handed again today, but (G) Leuis Ng will be there. And sometimes, that’s all they really need to win.


NY DYNASTY is a team we knew would find a way to get back to the semis. They haven’t always looked great–SPR dismantled them in the reg season–but in tight games, they’ve found ways to win with some veteran savvy. Only this time, they’re playing a proven champion.
Key Player: Leuis Ng

He does it all, multi-time MVP, blah blah blah. At this point, you know what you’re gonna get from Ng, You should have the scouting report, but can you stop him? Probably not.

Pos: G
13.4 ppg
7.6 rpg
6.4 apg

Pos: G
27.3 ppg
5.9 3pg
3.1 rpg
Key Player: Quinn Hood

Chu is the most dangerous shooter in D3 and when he’s efficient, his team has found ways to win. This is not a team that will dominate on D. So, Chu’s shooting is a huge asset. 


D1 WN Playoffs (1st Round) – Thursday, March 23, 8pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
JUSTICE LEAGUE is the best of the second tier of teams in D1. And they have the best chance of keeping up with the contenders offensively. If this team gets hot from three, they can certainly beat any team from 4 down. And despite their size, they scrap pretty well on D, too.


If JLA needs to make 3FGs to beat the Top 3, then OPTION A needs consistency in the paint. This team has plenty of size, and (F) Haris Ahmed is a great, versatile big. But with (C) Pablo Salcedo out to injury, Ahmed needs to dominate the paint more than he has..
Key Player: Maxwell Ruffin

Versatile on both ends of the court, Ruffin can do everything for JLA. But the key to their success is whether he is hitting his three. When he is, it makes him that much more effective off the bounce and setting up his teammates.

Pos: G/F
14.7 ppg
10.3 rpg
3.1 apg

Pos: F/C
15 ppg
8.6 rpg
1.9 spg
Key Player: Haris Ahmed

Ahmed is rangy, mobile defender that can shut down the paint on D, but tends to drift to the perimeter on offense. He can shoot the three, needs to use it as a supplementary instead of a primary weapon. OPA needs him in the paint.


D2 WN Playoffs (1st Round) – Thursday, March 23, 9pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Great turnaround for DON’T EVER PLAY YOURSELF this season but now it’s playoff time and we’ll see just how much they’ve come along. This is a big, physical team that, if slow, plays with no lack of effort. Win or lose, you’ll get a full effort from this group.


NYC GRITTY COMMITTEE is one of those veteran teams that’s always ready to turn it on the playoffs. But they’re also not getting any younger. This isn’t the same dominant Gritty of the past, but they can still get it done with savvy play and one hot shooter.
Key Player: Kali Pearson

Pearson has gotten better as the season has gone on. He is a physical play-maker that can do a little of everything for his team. His Achilles heel might be his FT shooting, but that’s the same for all of DPY.

Pos: G/F
14.1 ppg
6.6 rpg
4.1 apg

Pos: G
13.9 ppg
3.1 3pg
3.1 apg
Key Player: David Chu

Chu is perennially one of D2’s best 3-point threats, though NGC hasn’t quite figured out how to best use him so far this season. But he is the one player most capable of carrying NGC on offense.

TDL Winter 2017 Playoff Preview (Premier, D1)


D1 WN Playoffs (1st Round) – Wednesday, March 22, 7:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
The ASPHALT NINJAS have been a low-key contender this season. They are actually better than the team that made the title game last season, but it’s been a quiet run. This team has all the pieces it needs to not only go back to the chip, but this time to win it.


One of the wins the TOP STARS needed to get here was vs a Premier division team, one that is a 3 seed in that division. They got it. Last year TOP made one of the most improbable playoff runs in league history. They’ll try it again, as if they have catching lightning figured out.
Key Player: Kev Chang

The veteran Chang led all guards in scoring this season is D1 WN. And he has been all the difference for ASN. With a bona fide scorer on the wing, his slashing ability has created open shots for all his teammates.

Pos: G
20.2 ppg
5.8 rpg
2.4 spg

Pos: F/C
15.1 ppg
8 rpg
2 apg
Key Player: Quinn Hood

Hood was the best player in the D1 WN playoffs last season. One-on-one he was the toughest match-up all the way through to the chip. He hasn’t had the same impact this season, but it’s playoff time now. 

(2) NY DYNASTY vs (3) F.K.A.L.J.S

Premier Playoffs (Semifinals) – Wednesday, March 22, 8:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Injuries have hit NY DYNASTY at the most inopportune time. (F) Ian McBride has a gimpy hamstring, (C) Reid Wittman, having his best all around season, is out for the season with a bad back. 38 y.o. (G) Ren Hsieh is the walking dead. They have survived every win, and they’ll have to do it again.


F.K.A.L.J.S. just barely lost an OT game to a then healthier DYN in the regular season. They could very well be in upset mode tonight. (G) David Kalema and (F) Tom Killiam will be the focal points on offense, but (C) Mike Holsey is key to their D. And if FKA’s wings hits some 3s, it opens up everything.
Key Player: Garrett James

James has carried the load for DYN for several seasons now. He is their Mr. Reliable, maybe the best in the League at getting into the paint. This season hasn’t been his most efficient, but if he’s hitting his jumper, he can take over a game.

Pos: G
18 ppg
4.8 rpg
3.3 apg

Pos: F
25.3 ppg
7 rpg
3.3 apg
Key Player: Tom Killiam

With no Chaz Thomas this season, FKA’s Killiam may be the Premier’s most athletic player. It gives him the ability to get any shot he wants. And he makes them at an impressive clip. Killiam will be a tough match up for DYN’s undersized wings.


Premier Playoffs (Semifinals) – Wednesday, March 22, 9:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
It’s almost as if doesn’t matter who they’re missing METTA WORLD WAR is always the favorite to win it all. With (G) Shamel Arasmo at the helm, and their commitment to D, MWW still has the pieces to defend their title. But they’ll need to shoot better to better their odds.


TEAM SIX still has never beaten MWW in the post-season. And this roster isn’t as stacked as past teams, but they still beat a very good WHG team to get here. And guess what, (G) Brett Swanson is heating up, something we’re used to seeing from him in the playoffs now.
Key Player: Shamel Arasmo 

Arasmo is the most nimble player in Premier, able to get to any spot he wants to on the floor. The question is always whether he’s on or off. If he’s on, MWW is pretty unbeatable. If he’s off, he can still find a way.

Pos: G
17.5 ppg
4.5 rpg
3.3 apg

Pos: G
21 ppg
6 3pg
5 rpg
Key Player: Brett Swanson

Sometimes it looks like Swanson is coasting through the regular season, but when the games start counting, all of a sudden that jumper is knock down. They’ll need more of this as SIX tries to upset MWW tonight.

TDL Winter 2017 Playoff Preview (D2 & D3)

(4) 30-FOR-30 vs (5) NY DYNASTY

D3 Playoffs (1st Round) – Tuesday, March 21, 7:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
It has not been the prettiest season for 30-FOR-30 after an impressive run last season, but they managed to get back to the playoffs. Scoring has been 30Fs biggest weakness, but a solid, aggressive defense just might be enough to get them into the next round. Capt (F) Adam Wang will have to find his jumper though.


There is no team more reliant on its back court than NY DYNASTY. At their best, they can score with anyone, but when they’re off the mark it can get ugly. DYN hasn’t had the same defensive chemistry they had last season, but crafty veteran play might just be enough to get them out of the first round.
Key Player: Ezekial Kim

Kim is a beast on the offensive glass, and an able paint protector. He has not dominated offensively as much as he’d like, but he is 30F’s leading scorer and most efficient shooter.

Pos: C
11.0 ppg
11.5 rpg
1.0 bpg

Pos: G
27.3 ppg
5.9 3pg
3.1 apg
Key Player: David Chu

The D3 scoring champion will fill it up if you don’t mark him early and on every play. And DYN has no problem with going to him play after play. He is their catalyst on offense. 


D3 Playoffs (Semifinals) – Tuesday, March 21, 8:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
SKILLSHARE is the D3’s biggest and deepest team, led by two Top 5 players in (G) Elliott Curtis and (F) Scott Sullivan. But it was GOZ who upset them in the regular season in a baffling loss. We don’t expect SKL to duplicate that effort, this is a revenge game now.


They just squeaked into the playoffs but here they are. GAME OF ZONES has reached the semifinals with an upset win over NYE. They got balanced scoring from their best four in the win. (G) Tommy Zheng is still a big weapon for them, but don’t underestimate their D. 
Key Player: Elliott Curtis

If we could fit two guys here, we would. Sullivan is just as important as Curtis, but as the PG, Curtis is also one of D3’s headiest players. He always gives his team a chance to win with his decision-making.

Pos: G
13.7 ppg
4.4 rpg
5.7 apg

Pos: G
18.5 ppg
4.0 rpg
1.5 spg
Key Player: Tommy Zheng

A solid shooter, and able to attack the basket with great speed, Zheng is GOZ’s best offensive weapon. He’s also great at getting to the FT, and converting, which makes GOZ clutch at the end of games.


D2 Playoffs (1st Round) – Thursday, March 21, 9:30pm at Fashion HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Make no mistake, the JUNKIES are a contender, but they’re often at the mercy of who available. They aren’t very fast outside of the back court, but they have great size, and (F) Mark Promax has been a defensive stalwart. This team has all the pieces it needs to win it all.


GUARD ME MAYBE lit up JUN in the latter’s season opener with their best game of the season. And that’s where their paths diverged. Sharp-shooter (G) Tommy Wong just hasn’t had the touch this season, but if he and (G) Kento Kato ges hot, an upset is certainly possible.
Key Player: Allen Granowski 

Granowski it the biggest player left in D2 now, but he spends more of his time shooting outside the paint. Which isn’t to say he’s allergic to it. He’s D3’s most dominant rebounder, and his work on the glass will be integral vs GMM’s shooters.

Pos: F
13.8 ppg
12.3 rpg
3.2 apg

Pos: G
11.4 ppg
3.2 3pg
3.4 rpg
Key Player: Tommy Wong

For whatever reason, Wong hasn’t had his best season. And with key players out of the GUARD ME MAYBE lineup, his team needed him to carry the load. But here they are in a single-elim playoff, where anything could happen.

TDL Winter 2017 Week 9 Player Awards


Premier Division Player of the Week


22.5 ppg, 2 3pg, 5.5 rpg, 1.5 spg points in 2 games

Runner-up: (G) Landon Glover (COL) 20 points, 14 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 blocks

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


16 rebounds, 1 steal, 5 blocks

Runner-up: (F) Ernest Jackson (COL) 11.5 rpg, 4 spg, 0.5 bpg in 2 games

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


18 points, 13 rebounds, 2 steals, 2 blocks

Runner-up: (F/C) Michael Hickman (COL) 12 points, 16 rebounds, 1 steal, 5 blocks

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


22.5 ppg, 2 3pg, 5.5 rpg, 1.5 spg points in 2 games

Runner-up: (G) Kashean Allston (COL) 25 points, 7 rebounds, 1 steal, 2 blocks

The High-5 Club

Kashean Allston (COL) 25-7-1-1-2
Pat Armstrong (DYN) 27-8-2-2-1
Michael Hickman (COL) 12-16-1-1-5
S. McKiernan (DYN) 9-11-1-2-3
Mike Salerno (FKA) 9-4-9-6-1

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: David Kalema (FKA) 30, Pat Armstrong (DYN) 27
3FG: Connor Gach (FKA) 5, Ren Hsieh (DYN) 3
REB: Michael Hickman (COL) 16, [2 players] 14
AST: Ren Hsieh (DYN) 14, Mike Salerno (FKA) 9
STL: Mike Salerno (FKA) 6, Ernest Jackson (COL) 5
BLK: Michael Hickman (COL) 5, [2 players] 3


1st Division (WN) Player of the Week


37 points, 19 rebounds, 1 steal

Runner-up: (F) Zach Moretti (HON) 23 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steal

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


2 rebounds, 2 steals, 3 blocks

Runner-up: (G) David Hsiung (HON) 4 rebounds, 3 steals

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


37 points, 19 rebounds, 1 steal

Runner-up: (G) Alex Tsay (HON) 11 points, 9 rebounds, 3 steals, 1 block

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


10 points, 2 3FGs, 8 rebounds

Runner-up: (F) Mo Thompson (ALL) 10 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals, 3 blocks 

The High-5 Club

Kieran Brennan (TOP) 5-8-3-1-1
Rich Chang (HON) 2-11-5-1-1
Jin Hong (SPA) 9-9-2-1-1
Ibu LeGrande (ASN) 10-12-5-1-1
Mo Thompson (ALL) 10-2-2-2-3

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: Young Song (SPA) 37, Zach Moretti (HON) 23
3FG: Mawell Ruffin (JLA) 4, [4 players] 3
REB: Young Song (SPA) 19, Ibu LeGrande (ASN) 12
AST: Mark Lee (SPA) 7, Kieran Brennan (TOP) 6
STL: David Hsiung (HON), Polo Mendez (ALL) 3
BLK: Mo Thompson (ALL) 3, [4 players] 1


2nd Division (WN) Player of the Week


23 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals

Runner-up: (G) Eugene Kravits (JUN) 18 points, 4 3FGs, 3 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week


6 rebounds, 5 steals, 1 block

Runner-up: (F) Jay McFarlane (DPY) 11 rebounds, 4 blocks

The Sam Lo Hustle Award


18 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists, 4 blocks

Runner-up: (F) Allen Granowski (JUN) 5 points, 12 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals, 1 block

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


23 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals

Runner-up: (G) Eugene Kravits (JUN) 18 points, 4 3FGs, 3 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals

The High-5 Club

Allen Granowski (JUN) 5-12-6-2-1
Chung Lee (JUN) 10-3-2-3-1
Mark Promax (JUN) 17-6-2-5-1

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: Kali Pearson (DPY) 23, David Chu (NGC) 20
3FG: David Chu (NGC) 6, Eugene Kravits (JUN) 4
REB: Allen Granowski (JUN) 12, Jay McFarlane (DPY) 11
AST: Allen Granowski, Eugene Kravits (JUN) 6
STL: Mark Promax (JUN) 5, Bada Hong (NGC) 4
BLK: Jay MacFarlane (DPY) 4, [4 players] 1


3rd Division (WN) Player of the Week


25 points, 6 rebounds, 2 steals

Runner-up: (G) Tommy Zheng (GOZ) 20 points, 5 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block

Wat Misaka Defensive Player of the Week




The Sam Lo Hustle Award


9 points, 12 rebounds, 2 steals, 1 block

Runner-up: (C) Ezekial Kim (30F) 10 points, 15 rebounds, 1 steal

Spot Dessert Bar Most Outstanding Rookie


14 points, 11 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block

Runner-up: (F) Kevin Chong (GOZ) 9 points, 12 rebounds, 2 steals, 1 block

The High-5 Club

Kevin Chong (GOZ) 9-12-1-2-1
Tristan Mass-Ellis (NYE) 14-1-1-1-1

Weekly League Leaders 

PTS: David Chu (DYN) 25, Tommy Zheng (GOZ) 20
3FG: DaVaughn Cunningham (NYE) 2, 
REB: Ezekial Kim (30F) 15, Kevin Chong (GOZ) 12
AST: Adam Wang (30F) 5, [3 players] 3
STL: Ren Hsieh (DYN) 3, [3 players] 2
BLK: DaVaughn Cunningham (NYE) 2, [3 players] 1