TDL Summer 2016 Playoff Preview – First Round


First Round – Wednesday (8/31) 8pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
The roster has been short all season, and they’ve just barely scraped into the post-season, but the NY Dynasty is a team with championship pedigree. If they get hot, they can go all the way. But they’ll have to get more consistent 3-pt shooting. DYN shot just 27% this season, a franchise worst. But what they do have going for them is length and versatility on D. When they force TOs, they get easy points. And they need as many of those as they can get.


NYK Spartans started the season strong as they needed to do, but expectedly hit some trouble when facing the higher tier teams in the league. But they made it to the post season, even scrapping last game. SPA has the league’s best front line with (F) Young Song, (F) Askia Davis and (C) Jin Hong, but it leaves them without a true SF. What SPA really lacks is a go-to slasher who can finish, especially with DYN’s length on D. 
Key Player: Landon Glover

Glover contributes all across the board for DYN, but he’s often asked to do so much, he tires late in games. Or coasts for some stretches. Still, he gives DYN two one-on-one threats with (G) Garrett James. And at this level, sometimes that’s enough.

Pos: G
16.3 ppg
8.1 rpg
2.9 apg
Pos: F
18.3 ppg
9.7 rpg
3.2 apg
Key Player: Young Song

They call him the silent killer, we call him “The Quiet Storm.” Song can be completely dominant in a game, and you won’t even notice him. He just keeps coming at you with a tireless motor, and an uncanny knack for finishing around the rim.


First Round – Wednesday (8/31) 9pm at MLK HS

Team Notes Team Score Team Team Notes
Tim Nubina has the pieces they need to contend. They have great size, though they tend to spend more time outside the paint, and they have solid guard play. The issue this season has been a consistent effort on defense. They don’t have great speed or length as a defensive unit, but if they put their minds to it, they should dominate the boards. TIM


BK All Day reaches the playoffs on a technicality, ASN is disqualified from the post-season. This is a veteran team with good size and 3-pt shooting, but for whatever reason, it just wasn’t working this season. Which isn’t to say they can’t turn it around right now. If (G) Honey Tufail and (G) Rommel Dolar get hot from the perimeter, anything is possible.
Key Player: S. Perunicic

At his best, Perunicic is a deadly shooter with nearly unlimited range, but he has a tendency to go off the rails when things don’t go his way. If he stays focused, and stays away from the refs, he can dominate. One hot stretch of games could mean a title run.

Pos: G
21.2 ppg
4.2 rpg
0.8 apg
Pos: G
16 ppg
9.7 rpg
0.7 bpg
Key Player: Rommel Dolar

BKA’s entire offense runs through the veteran Dolar. He’s lost a step to be sure, but he’s still among the league’s quickest guards. The key will be balancing his own looks with those of his teammates. He needs to get his teammates involved, but he can also be a dangerous scorer.