Ian Yu

1st Division - Sunday

2018FShowcase NYC (D1)3465.
2018FPShowcase NYC (D1)1122.

1st Division - Weeknights

2018SSwish Kebabs (D1)5116.
2018SuSwish Kebabs (D1)315.
2019WNYK Spartans (D1)410.
2019FShowcase NYC (D1)2553.
2019FPShowcase NYC (D1)
2022WAsphalt Ninjas (D1)3469.
2022WPAsphalt Ninjas (D1)823.

2nd Division - Weeknights

2017FNY Rockits (D2)5113.
2018SNY Dynasty (D2)57614.
2018SPNY Dynasty (D2)27212.
2018FNYC Gritty Committee (D2)5489.
2019WNYC Gritty Committee (D2)4369.
2019WPNYC Gritty Committee (D2)2837.
2019SNYC Gritty Committee (D2)4568.
2019SPNYC Gritty Committee (D2)23310.
2019SuNYC Gritty Committee (D2)4065.
2019SuPNYC Gritty Committee (D2)2322.
2020WNY Dynasty (D2)

3rd Division - Monday

2024FROKSTARS (D3)3356.
2024WOPP PACK (D3)3669.
2025WROKSTARS (D3)1622.

3rd Division - Sunday


3rd Division - Weeknights


Premier Division

ROKSTARS (D3)Pippen Ain’t Easy (D3)
ROKSTARS (D3)Manhattan Elite (D3)
ROKSTARS (D3)Ibaka Flaka Flame (D3)
Texas Elite (D3-M)ROKSTARS (D3)
ROKSTARS (D3)Ibaka Flaka Flame (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)ROKSTARS (D3)
Hooper’s Happy Hour (D3)ROKSTARS (D3)
Texas Elite (D3-M)OPP PACK (D3)
Spark Plugs (D3)OPP PACK (D3)
OPP PACK (D3)The Quinnterns (D3)
Spark Plugs (D3)OPP PACK (D3)
OPP PACK (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)OPP PACK (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Pretty Boys (D3)
Pretty Boys (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Spark Plugs (D3)Pretty Boys (D3)
Pretty Boys (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Pretty Boys (D3)Manhattan Elite (D3)
NJ Rockets (D3)Pretty Boys (D3)
Pippen Ain’t Easy (D3)Pretty Boys (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Team Sky (D3)
Manhattan Gents (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Team Sky (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
Out of Retirement (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Mr. Beast (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Buck$ Clan (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Meat Ball Club (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Texas Elite (D3-M)NYK Red Devils (D3)
New RegimeShowcase NYC (D3S)
BING BONG (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
PhantomsShowcase NYC (D3S)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
MoshupShowcase NYC (D3S)
Meat Ball Club (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
PhantomsShowcase NYC (D3S)
30-for-30NYK Red Devils (D3)
Brick Squad (D3)Showcase NYC (D3S)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
New RegimeShowcase NYC (D3S)
Guard Me Maybe (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
MoshupShowcase NYC (D3S)
The No KneesNYK Red Devils (D3)
Texas Elite (D3-M)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Supreme Team (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Big Bookie BrandNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Team Sky (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)30-for-30
Smash N Bounce (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Texas Elite (D3-M)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
PWC Vino (P)Asphalt Ninjas (D1)
Asphalt Ninjas (D1)Honey Badgers
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Satriale’s
Supreme Team (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Asphalt Ninjas (D1)PWC Vino (P)
ROKstarsSK War Dog (D2)
Ibaka Flaka Flame (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Asphalt Ninjas (D1)TNY
Asphalt Ninjas (D1)NYC Olympians
Big Bookie BrandNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Asphalt Ninjas (D1)Honey Badgers
Asphalt Ninjas (D1)Interdivisional Opponent
Asphalt Ninjas (D1)TX Thunder (D1)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Sex Panthers (D3)
Sex Panthers (D3)Ibaka Flaka Flame (D3)
Shawn Kemp’s Kids (D2)ROKstars
Smash N Bounce (D3)Sex Panthers (D3)
Sex Panthers (D3)Interdivisional Opponent
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Sex Panthers (D3)
Sex Panthers (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Dirty JerzSex Panthers (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Sex Panthers (D3)
30-for-30Sex Panthers (D3)
Dutch MastersNY Dynasty (D2)
Smash N Bounce (D3)Sex Panthers (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Sex Panthers (D3)
Sex Panthers (D3)Interdivisional Opponent
Angry PotatoesSex Panthers (D3)
Fun GuysSex Panthers (D3)
Fun GuysNo Fly Zone Ultra
NYK SpartansNY Dynasty
Bomb Squad (D3)No Fly Zone Ultra
No Fly Zone UltraFree Agents (D3)
Honey BadgersShowcase NYC (D1)
CCB (P)NY Dynasty
Warriors (P)NY Dynasty
Angry PotatoesNo Fly Zone Ultra
30-for-30No Fly Zone Ultra
Showcase NYC (D1)Interdivisional Opponent
NY DynastyMetta World War
No Fly Zone UltraInterdivisional Opponent
Showcase NYC (D1)Interdivisional Opponent
NY DynastyPeace & Love
No Fly Zone UltraSmash N Bounce (D3)
Honey BadgersShowcase NYC (D1)
CCB (P)NY Dynasty
Free Agents (D3)No Fly Zone Ultra
Hakuna MatataShowcase NYC (D1)
No Fly Zone UltraRock Stars (D3)
Showcase NYC (D1)Interdivisional Opponent
NY Rockits (D2)Gilet Jaunes
Team Sky (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NY Rockits (D2)YOLO (D2-T)
Big Bookie BrandNo Fly Zone Ultra
No Fly Zone UltraNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NY Rockits (D2)The Street
NY Rockits (D2)Apex
Guard Me Maybe (D2)NY Rockits (D2)
NY Rockits (D2)What It Do Babyyy
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)NY Rockits (D2)
NY Rockits (D2)Gilet Jaunes
YOLO (D2-T)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Shawn Kemp’s Kids (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Ankle RouletteNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Guard Me Maybe (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Shawn Kemp’s Kids (D2)
30-for-30NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Uniballers
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Uncle Bought a Cow
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Uncle Bought a CowNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)YOLO (D2-T)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Wolfpack (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)YOLO (D2-T)
Paw PatrolNYK Red Devils
Sticky’s Finger JointNYK Spartans (D1)
G7NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Guard Me Maybe (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
30-for-30NYK Red Devils
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
New YorkNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)E-Wood Inferno
Showcase NYC (D1)CCB
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)HB Tribe
Showcase NYC (D1)Yung No Fly Zone
The LizardsShowcase NYC (D1)
Yung No Fly ZoneShowcase NYC (D1)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Supreme Team
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)United Nations (D2)
Showcase NYC (D1)Interdivisional Opponent
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Apex
E-Wood InfernoNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Showcase NYC (D1)SK War Dog
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Guard Me Maybe (D2)
CCBShowcase NYC (D1)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)HB Tribe
Showcase NYC (D1)Shawn Kemp’s Kids
NY Dynasty (D3)Klaytheists
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)NY Dynasty (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)NY Dynasty (D3)
NY Dynasty (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
AirballersNY Dynasty (D3)
PacificSwish Kebabs (D1)
NY Dynasty (D3)Team Hardwood (D3)
NY Dynasty (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NY Dynasty (D3)No Fly Zone Ultra
KlaytheistsNY Dynasty (D3)
NY Dynasty (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
NY Dynasty (D2)Spaghetti Ramen (D2)
NY Dynasty (D2)Space Jam
NY Dynasty (D2)Team TB
NY Dynasty (D2)Team Hardwood
NY Dynasty (D2)Space Jam
Option ASwish Kebabs (D1)
NY Dynasty (D2)Spaghetti Ramen (D2)
NY Dynasty (D2)Uncle Bought a Cow
Interdivisional OpponentNY Dynasty (D2)
NY Dynasty (D3)30-for-30
NY Dynasty (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NY Dynasty (D3)Pnest1
NY Dynasty (D3)Handel Architects
NY Dynasty (D3)Pnest1
NY Dynasty (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Premature Shooters (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NY Dynasty (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
30-for-30NY Dynasty (D3)
Flat EarthersNY Dynasty (D3)
NY Dynasty (D3)Showcase NYC
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Uncle Bought a Cow