Victor Chia

1st Division - Sunday

2017FDoris From Rego Park3744.
2018WDoris From Rego Park4173.
2018WPDoris From Rego Park712.

1st Division - Weeknights

2018SNYC Gritty Committee (D1)4978.
2019WNYK Spartans (D1)951.
2019WPNYK Spartans (D1)432.
2022SuTX Thunder (D1)

2nd Division - Sunday


2nd Division - Thursday


3rd Division - Monday

2024FSpaghetti Ramen (D3)1551.
2025WSpaghetti Ramen (D3)2262.

3rd Division - Sunday


3rd Division - Tuesday


3rd Division - Weeknights


Premier Division

Manhattan Elite (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)ROKSTARS (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Layups Only (D3)
Ibaka Flaka Flame (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Brunson Lovers (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Spark Plugs (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Spark Plugs (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)NJ Rockets (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)ROKSTARS (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Pippen Ain’t Easy (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Manhattan Elite (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Scrub Daddies (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)No Diet Coke (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Meat Ball Club (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Meat Ball Club (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Load Management (D3)
No Diet Coke (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Scrub Daddies (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Reservoir Dogs (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Manhattan Gents (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)NJ Rockets (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)ROKSTARS (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Spark Plugs (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Pretty Boys (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Pippen Ain’t Easy (D3)
Pretty Boys (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)Spark Plugs (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Mr. Beast (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Team Sky (D3)
Manhattan Gents (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Pippen Ain’t Easy (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Team Sky (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Knickerbockers (D3)
Out of Retirement (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Mr. Beast (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Meat Ball Club (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
Texas Elite (D3-M)NYK Red Devils (D3)
BING BONG (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
Meat Ball Club (D3)NYK Red Devils (D3)
30-for-30NYK Red Devils (D3)
NYK Red Devils (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
Texas Elite (D3-M)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Supreme Team (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Texas Elite (D3-M)
TX Thunder (D1)Interdivisional Opponent
Smash N Bounce (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Smash N Bounce (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Oilers
CocomelonNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Big Bookie BrandNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
RaptorsNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Supreme Team (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Apex
Spaghetti Ramen (D3)TAP NY (D3)
50 Shades of KlaySpaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
Guard Me Maybe (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Brotherhood w/o Banners (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Team Sky (D3)
Ball Is Life (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Interdivisional Opponent
Big Bookie BrandNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
No Fly Zone OGSpaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Raptors
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Shawn Kemp’s Kids (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Paw Patrol
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)NY Rockits (D2)
NY DreamNYK Spartans
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Raining Rosebuds (D2)
YOLO (D2-T)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Shawn Kemp’s Kids (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Gilet JaunesNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Ball Is Life (D3)Thunder (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
The Lizards (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Canned Sweet CornThunder (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Wolverines 4.0 (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)The Street
Make It Reign ManNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)OMB
Ankle RouletteNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Thank U, Next
TAP NY (D3)Thunder (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Paw Patrol
Guard Me Maybe (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC HustlersNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Goon Squad (D3)Thunder (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Shawn Kemp’s Kids (D2)
30-for-30NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Team Sky (D3)
Smash N Bounce (D3)NYK Red Devils
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Honey BadgersNYK Spartans (D1)
Uncle Bought a CowNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Shut ‘Em Down (D1)NYK Spartans (D1)
NYK Red DevilsSpaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)YOLO (D2-T)
NYK Red DevilsOMB
Gawd Sham-GawdsNYK Spartans (D1)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Wolfpack (D2)
Shut ‘Em Down (D1)NYK Spartans (D1)
Pnest1NYK Red Devils
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Apex
NYK Red DevilsYieldmo
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)YOLO (D2-T)
Paw PatrolNYK Red Devils
Sticky’s Finger JointNYK Spartans (D1)
NY Dynasty (FAs)NYK Spartans (D1)
NYK Red DevilsSpaghetti Ramen (D3)
G7NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Bomb SquadNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
New YorkNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYK Red DevilsWolverines 4.0 (D3)
Cookies & KareemNYK Spartans (D1)
OMBNYK Red Devils
Honey BadgersNYK Spartans (D1)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)E-Wood Inferno
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)HB Tribe
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Yieldmo
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)OMB
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Supreme Team
NY DreamNYK Spartans
Team Sky (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
No Fly Zone OGSpaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)United Nations (D2)
Free Agents (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Get The StrapNYK Spartans
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Apex
30-for-30NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Flat EarthersSpaghetti Ramen (D3)
Game 7NYK Spartans
E-Wood InfernoNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
Two Bridges (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Guard Me Maybe (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Yieldmo
Formosa WarriorsSpaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYK SpartansPeace & Love
HB TribeNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYK SpartansMetta World War
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)NY Dynasty (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)G7
Computer BlueNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYK SpartansInterdivisional Opponent
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)Savage Unicorns
Don’t Ever Play Yourself (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
No Fly Zone UltraNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Weekend Ninjas (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
NY Pipelayers UnionNYC Gritty Committee (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Klaytheists
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)HB Tribe
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D2)G7
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Big Bookie Brand
ThunderE-Wood Inferno
Flying SquirrelsNYC Gritty Committee (D1)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)30-for-30
NY Falcons M (D2)Thunder
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
No Fly Zone (D2)Thunder
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Pnest1
NYC Gritty Committee (D1)Premature Shooters (D1)
AirballersNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Interdivisional OpponentNYC Gritty Committee (D1)
Interdivisional OpponentNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
E-Wood InfernoThunder
NYC Gritty Committee (D1)YOLO
30-for-30NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D1)Wolfpack
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Smash N Bounce (D3)
Bomb SquadThunder
NYC Gritty Committee (D1)Swish Kebabs (D1)
No Fly Zone UltraNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Let It Fly (D2)Thunder
NYC Gritty Committee (D1)Flying Squirrels
ThunderTeal Curtain
NYC Gritty Committee (D1)Option A
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Yieldmo
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)HB Tribe
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Guard Me Maybe (D2)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Yung No Fly ZoneDoris From Rego Park
Agents of ChangeDoris From Rego Park
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)TBT
Doris From Rego ParkShawn Kemp’s Kids
Space JamNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Handel ArchitectsNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Doris From Rego ParkPippen Ain’t Easy
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Uncle Bought a Cow
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Yieldmo
Doris From Rego ParkSK War Dog
Team HardwoodNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Spaghetti Ramen (D3)
Doris From Rego ParkThe Lizards
NY Dynasty (D3)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Premature Shooters (D2)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Doris From Rego ParkNo Fly Zone OG
BlackRockNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Flat EarthersNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Doris From Rego ParkTwo Bridges Elite (D1)
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)HB Tribe
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)TBT
Doris From Rego ParkShawn Kemp’s Kids
Don’t Ever Play Yourself (D1)NYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Doris From Rego ParkLace’O My Aso
MLGBNYC Gritty Committee (D3)
Doris From Rego ParkNo Fly Zone OG
Doris From Rego ParkNo Fly Zone OG
NYC Gritty Committee (D3)Uncle Bought a Cow