Mario Del Cueto

2nd Division - Sunday

2020W50 Shades of Klay (D2)15414.
2020WP50 Shades of Klay (D2)6130.
2022F50 Shades of Klay (D2)36619.
2023W50 Shades of Klay (D2)36819.
2023FBrotherhood w/o Banners (D2-S)6114.

3rd Division - Sunday

2018S50 Shades of Klay37615.
2018SP50 Shades of Klay20317.
2018Su50 Shades of Klay110.
2018SuP50 Shades of Klay5114.
2018F50 Shades of Klay23515.
2018FP50 Shades of Klay729.
2019W50 Shades of Klay726.
2019WP50 Shades of Klay3116.
2019F50 Shades of Klay24516.
2019FP50 Shades of Klay4110.
2023FBrotherhood w/o Banners (D3)18227.

Premier Division

2024FFive Borough Boys (P)23519.
2025WFive Borough Boys (P)18513.
Frontrunners (P)Five Borough Boys (P)
Five Borough Boys (P)Ratpack (P)
Manhattan Gents (P)Five Borough Boys (P)
NYBD (P)Five Borough Boys (P)
Five Borough Boys (P)Expensive League (P)
Expensive League (P)Five Borough Boys (P)
Five Borough Boys (P)Manhattan Gents (P)
01Lakers (P)Five Borough Boys (P)
Frontrunners (P)Five Borough Boys (P)
NYBD (P)Five Borough Boys (P)
Brotherhood w/o Banners (D2-S)Mobadanga (D2)
Ball Is Life (D3)Brotherhood w/o Banners (D3)
TPE Tigers (D3)Brotherhood w/o Banners (D3)
The Panthers (D2)50 Shades of Klay (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)01Lakers (D2)
Wolverines 4.0 (D2)50 Shades of Klay (D2)
Hoop Prophets (D2)50 Shades of Klay (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)Reservoir Dogs (D2-S)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)The Panthers (D2)
BURRRcats (D2)50 Shades of Klay (D2)
NY Rockits (D2)50 Shades of Klay (D2)
NY Rockits (D2)50 Shades of Klay (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)Rat La Familia
50 Shades of Klay (D2)Easy Street (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)Wolverines 4.0 (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)NY Rockits (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)80′ Eighters
50 Shades of Klay (D2)No Fly Zone (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)Raining Rosebuds (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)BURRRcats (D2)
X-Clan (D2)50 Shades of Klay (D2)
50 Shades of Klay (D2)The Lizards (D2)
50 Shades of KlayX-Clan
50 Shades of KlayInterdivisional Opponent
50 Shades of KlayX-Clan
50 Shades of KlayTAP NY (D3)
50 Shades of KlaySwish Cheese
50 Shades of KlayOMB
50 Shades of KlayNo Fly Zone OG
50 Shades of KlayBaby Whales (D3)
50 Shades of KlayOMB
50 Shades of KlayTAP NY (D3)
OMB50 Shades of Klay
50 Shades of KlayTwo Bridges (D3)
50 Shades of KlayFlat Earthers
50 Shades of KlayTAP NY (D3)
50 Shades of KlayTeam Sky (D3)
50 Shades of KlayOMB
Swish Cheese50 Shades of Klay
50 Shades of KlaySwish Cheese
Swish Cheese50 Shades of Klay
50 Shades of KlayOMB
50 Shades of KlayLet It Fly (D3)
50 Shades of KlayGoat Herders
50 Shades of KlayNo Fly Zone OG
50 Shades of KlayBall Is Life (D3)
50 Shades of KlayLet It Fly (D3)
50 Shades of KlayGoon Squad (D3)
50 Shades of KlayTAP NY (D3)